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Safety, Products and Liability: A Legal Blog

Welcome to my blog. This blog is dedicated to helping anyone who is currently in the midst of a liability issue. A few years ago, my daughter contracted listeria due to poorly packaged food. She, thankfully, was okay, but we still took her case to court. I want all families who have been affected by liability issues to understand their rights, so I decided to start this blog. My beautiful daughter is now 17 and preparing to start uni next year. I have three younger children as well and an amazing husband. Thank you for reading my blog. Please share my posts if they help you!

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Safety, Products and Liability: A Legal Blog


Mesothelioma Lawsuits: What Is Mesothelioma And How You Can Protect Your Workers From It

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that has a rapid progression. It attacks the membrane that covers major organs including the heart, stomach and the lungs. Its main cause is asbestos, which is a flame and heat-resistant mineral used in building construction sites. If your workers are constantly inhaling asbestos fibers, they are at a high risk of contracting mesothelioma. And even if a person does not display signs of mesothelioma now, the disease may still catch up with him or her in the future.

Protecting assets from nursing home and retirement village administrators

Australians spend a lot of their life saving for retirement through compulsory retirement savings. As life expectancy increases, more and more people find themselves downsizing their living situations later in life so that they can enjoy their twilight years. Unfortunately, some contracts for retirement villages and nursing homes are written in a way that can threaten the hard fought savings of retirees. Here are some things you can do to help protect yours, or a loved one's, assets.

Answers to Some of the Most Commonly Asked Questions of Criminal Law Attorneys

A criminal law attorney should always be called if you've been accused of any crime, even if it seems minor and if it's your first offense. This is because even so-called minor crimes can have stiffer penalties than you realize, and judges and juries may not be as lenient on first-time offenders as you may think. Note some questions many people often ask a criminal law attorney the first time they call, as this might help you better understand why you should discuss criminal matters with a skilled attorney.

Negotiating the sale of the family home

After a divorce one of the main issues that needs to be considered is the sale of the family home. Not only is the family home often one of the most valuable assets owned by a family, it also has an emotional weight as the centre of family life. Here are some things to consider as you progress through the divorce process.  Getting an independent valuation If you and your spouse are 'at each others throats' and can't reach a reasonable agreement as to the valuation of the house it can be useful to use an independent property valuer.

Is Your Criminal Case Sealed? Correcting Your Record

With a good lawyer, your criminal case can get dismissed, or you get acquitted for a number of reasons. Congratulations are in store and you have a heavy weight lifted off your shoulder. Is this really the end? Goodcriminal lawyers will tell you that after a case is dismissed or an acquittal granted, you are yet to be done with the justice system. Having a criminal record can be a future burden even if you were acquited.

Documents You Need When Suing for Medical Malpractice

If you believe you have been injured due to medical malpractice, you might currently be considering suing the practice. It is important that before filing your lawsuit you have the right documents available. Here are some important things to have when suing the medical practice, doctor, or surgeon. Receipts For All Medical Expenses A big reason to sue for medical malpractice is due to all the money it likely cost you.

Commonly Asked Questions About Hiring a Conveyancer When Buying a House

A conveyancer is a real estate professional who assists either a buyer or seller during the purchase and sale of a house, plot of land, commercial building, and the like. If you're thinking of buying a house, you may be considering hiring a conveyancer to help you through the process, or you might be thinking of handling the transaction by yourself. Note a few questions you may have about hiring a conveyancer as this can assist you with determining if it's the right choice for you.

4 Reasons to Update Your Will Today

Will planning isn't exactly the most fun task to occupy your free time, and unfortunately, it's not a one-time task either. Once you've completed your will for the first time, you may still want to go over the details in the future and update it. So how do you know if your will needs a bit of a refresh? Here are some reasons why now might be the time to do more will planning.

You Won't Avoid Them, But You Can Lower Them: 5 Tips To Reduce Your Mortgage Refinancing Closing Costs

Mortgage refinancing involves replacing your existing mortgage in order to get better interest rates and terms. Instead of making a new mortgage and doing away with the old one, mortgage refinancing will pay off the old mortgage and allow you to take another one with better interest rates as well as terms. However, just like any other type of mortgage, you will not avoid the closing costs and they can add up to a higher percentage of the mortgage.

Key Considerations for Family Lawyer Selection

Separation spousal support, child custody, and property settlements are some of the areas of family law that have to be settled in the family court. With business lawyers unable to take up these cases due to conflict of interest and limited knowledge of family law, family lawyers become a crucial part of the proceedings. In such periods of distress as divorce, individuals are faced with the additional worry of finding the best lawyer to represent them.

Business Trade Marks: Tips on Protecting Your Rights

The trade mark is a valuable asset for your business that provides a sense of identity for your products. In simple terms, trade marks can help you establish brand identity and serve as marketing tools that help new customers to easily recognise your merchandise. If you have registered your chosen trade mark, you will need to protect the design or logo from removal or infringement by other companies. Proper protection will help you gain better commercial advantage and prevent legal battles over trade mark ownership.

Need Spousal Maintenance? Know The Basics

Spousal maintenance is a key topic where wealth distribution between a separating/ divorcing couple is concerned. With spousal maintenance, the well-off partner contributes some amount of money to the other partner for a specified duration of time. Do you think you need spousal maintenance? If so, learn about the basics of this wealth distribution process below so that you can know how to go about seeking it.  Why ask for spousal maintenance?

Features of an estate plan

An estate plan is a collection of legal paperwork containing specific instructions regarding your wishes in the event that you become disabled or die. It provides peace of mind, certainty, and a perfect action plan for your dependents to follow. Here are four vital things that should feature in your estate plan. A healthcare directive A healthcare directive is a legal document that specifies who should make your health decisions and look after you in the event that you become seriously ill or disabled.

Key actions to take when you have been injured at work

If you are injured while carrying out your duties at your place of work, you are entitled to workers' compensation. However, you can only get compensated if it is proven that your injury occurred during your normal discharge of duties at your place work. To help your compensation lawyer build a strong case, you must take certain actions immediately after you are injured. These actions go a long way to providing your compensation lawyer with crucial information.

Understanding a Few Details of Filing for Bankruptcy in Australia

Filing for bankruptcy is not always an easy decision for individuals, but it can provide relief from creditors and debt. It can also be the only choice that you might have when you are facing a certain amount of debt and cannot reasonably pay it down, given your income. If you are considering bankruptcy, it's good to know what is involved and certain consequences you might face; a bankruptcy solicitor can give you personalized advice on the process, but note a few important details here so you can determine the next step for yourself.

Understanding Self-Defence in Case of an Assault

In brief, self-defence refers to the use of physical force to protect yourself from harm. Generally, the law allows you to defend yourself from harm in some circumstances. However, many people find themselves on the wrong side of the law because they act inappropriately in cases where self-defence does not apply or ceases to apply amidst the threat they are facing. Here are some few things you need to know about self-defence to help you act appropriately and keep away from the wrong side of the law:  

Times When You May Not Realize That You Have a Legal Case Against a Business Owner

A person cannot and should not expect to sue a business owner just because they've been somewhat inconvenienced at a business; a long line that causes you to miss an appointment or a meal that wasn't cooked quite to your liking are not usually justifiable causes for a lawsuit. However, you may be surprised to find out when you do have a legal case against a business owner because of injuries or losses you've suffered.

Help! My boss is underpaying the employees!

Recent news articles have brought into the public eye the fact that some bosses do not do the right thing by their employees. If you are in a workforce that is not being fairly compensated, here are some things that you can do to resolve the issue.  Gather evidence of the issue In order to understand exactly how much people are being underpaid, gather all evidence of the issue, including payslips, time cards and requests or rosters that ask for extra unpaid hours.

Buying a beach house with your self managed super fund

If you are looking to buy a beach house that you may be able to live in following your retirement through your self-managed super fund (SMSF) it's important to keep your purchase within the law. Here is a guide to making sure your purchase is legal and does not affect the legality of your SMSF. The property must be purchased with the intention of providing a retirement benefit While you may like to contemplate the idea of moving to the beach when you retire, the reason ('sole purpose test') for buying the property needs to be that it will provide you funds for retirement including capital growth and/or rental returns.

How Restitution Differs from Crime Victim Compensation

Are you wondering whether you should apply for crime victim compensation or wait for restitution? Are you a victim of a criminal act? Check out the differences between those two concepts. Use this information to apply for the appropriate compensation after you suffer losses because of a crime. The Source of the Funds Different jurisdictions enact laws that set up crime victim compensation plans. The governments of those jurisdictions fund the compensation plans.

Situations When You Need a Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer

Your car is very useful when it comes to helping you get to wherever need to be quickly and conveniently. However, you can never rule out the possibility of getting involved in an accident because your safety on the road can be compromised by other motorists, if not by you. In the event of a motor accident, you can settle compensation claims on your own. But you may sometimes need a good lawyer to defend you against compensation claims that may be made by the injured parties or to seek compensation for your injuries if you think it is the other party at fault.