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Safety, Products and Liability: A Legal Blog

Welcome to my blog. This blog is dedicated to helping anyone who is currently in the midst of a liability issue. A few years ago, my daughter contracted listeria due to poorly packaged food. She, thankfully, was okay, but we still took her case to court. I want all families who have been affected by liability issues to understand their rights, so I decided to start this blog. My beautiful daughter is now 17 and preparing to start uni next year. I have three younger children as well and an amazing husband. Thank you for reading my blog. Please share my posts if they help you!

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Safety, Products and Liability: A Legal Blog

    How a Lawyer Can Help If Your Dog Has Been Declared Dangerous

    Owning a dog is a joy for many Australians, but certain incidents can lead to a dog being declared dangerous under local pet laws. This label can be stressful and overwhelming, as it carries serious legal and practical consequences for pet owners. If your furry friend is facing this designation, consulting a pet lawyer may be your best option. Legal expertise can help protect your dog and guide you through the complex legal requirements.

    Understanding Family Law and its Importance

    Family law is a crucial component of legal systems across the world. Understanding family law can be complicated and overwhelming for many people, but it is essential to protect your legal rights and interests. This blog post explores the fundamentals of family law and emphasises the importance of comprehending its functioning. What Is Family Law? Family law is a legal practice area that focuses on familial relationships and involves a wide range of legal issues.

    Reasons To Hire A Conveyancer

    Conveyancers are professionals specialising in the legal procedures of buying and selling properties. Given that legal representation is not required when exchanging real estate contracts, some investors forgo conveyancing services to save costs or because they trust the sellers. Needless to say, this approach often leads to loss of investment or future legal problems. So, why do you need conveyancing services? Below are some compelling reasons.  To Conduct Due Diligence

    Writing Your Will? 4 Issues You Need To Address

    If you haven't written a will yet, now's the time to do that. You might think it's enough to give verbal instructions to your family, but that's not the case. In fact, you leave your family in a lot of turmoil if you don't have a will. Not sure what should you include in your will? Here are four issues you need to address in your will.  Your Executor If you're going to write a will, you need to decide on an executor.

    What Do You Need to Consider When Buying Land for Development?

    While most people looking to move home will consider buying an existing property, others may want to stamp their personality on their new place and build a house from scratch. If you're in this situation, you may be looking for a great plot of land to establish your homestead. However, while this may seem a simple proposition, you must consider many factors before proceeding with any transaction. What are some of the potential stumbling blocks to look out for?

    What You Should Do if You're a Grandparent Who Wants to Seek Custody of Your Grandchildren

    When you first found out that your teen or adult child was having a child, you might have been excited about being a grandparent. You might have never imagined that you would want to seek custody of your grandchildren. However, now, you might be in a situation where you think this is the best or only option for your grandchildren and your family. This is something that is certainly possible, but it can be challenging.

    Three Questions to Ask Yourself Before Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

    Getting injured by someone else's negligence, whether it's at work or in public, can be incredibly distressing, and hiring a personal injury lawyer can be a good way to achieve justice. This guide explains three questions you should ask yourself before hiring a lawyer, to ensure you're making the right choice. What Do You Hope to Achieve from This Case? You should think carefully about your motives before beginning a personal injury case.

    How A Conveyancer Will Help You Purchase A Holiday Home

    Many people want to invest in real estate, and holiday homes have become a favourite for most investors. Typically, you lease or rent the house while you are away and use it during the holidays. So, how do you buy your first holiday home? The extract below details how conveyancing services can assist you in making your investment.  Choosing A Suitable Location You might be inclined to purchase the holiday home in your favourite vacation destination.