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Safety, Products and Liability: A Legal Blog

Welcome to my blog. This blog is dedicated to helping anyone who is currently in the midst of a liability issue. A few years ago, my daughter contracted listeria due to poorly packaged food. She, thankfully, was okay, but we still took her case to court. I want all families who have been affected by liability issues to understand their rights, so I decided to start this blog. My beautiful daughter is now 17 and preparing to start uni next year. I have three younger children as well and an amazing husband. Thank you for reading my blog. Please share my posts if they help you!

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Safety, Products and Liability: A Legal Blog

Why You Need a Workers Compensation Lawyer

by Liesanne Martin

Every worker in Australia is entitled to various labour rights. Unfortunately, matters of compensation present an entire range of legal issues that need to be addressed in the presence of a compensation lawyer.

The law, especially worker laws, can be overly complicated. Discussing its implications and using it to claim compensation may require legal assistance. The following are some reasons why you should consider getting a workers compensation lawyer.  

The Opposing Party Has a Lawyer Too

Even the most obvious of cases has flaws, real or assumed, that the employer and their legal counsel might use to deny a legitimate claim. Arguing a case without a compensation lawyer may expose you to some legal loopholes that may lead to a reduction of the compensation amount or denial of compensation altogether. Facing a defendant without sufficient representation and advice could lead to a countersuit for negligence or other reasons that lawyers use to divert attention to the real issues. Workers compensation lawyers can argue a case without falling for any diversionary tactics by the opposing counsel.

You Need Furthers Resources

Compensation lawyers have their firm's resources at the client's disposal. Some cases may be handled by union lawyers paid through union resources, but one can always seek counsel from outside the union. Such resources enhance the lawyer's ability to uncover the cause of the current predicament for which one needs compensation. During such investigations, the workers compensation lawyers may uncover a consistent trend by the employer to escape payment or anything to that effect.

Class and joint actions are a better way to claim compensation because they result in huge settlements that may benefit the employee.

The Court May Require It

Compensation lawyers are needed to appear before the court on behalf of their clients. In case a person shows up to court without their attorney, the situation could get dismissed.

You're Suing a Government Agency

The first defense against a compensation claim in such a case will be the immunity of most Australian government agencies. If they use this to dismiss your claim, it will get even harder to argue your case for compensation. An excellent compensation lawyer knows how to manoeuvre such hindrances and ensure your rights are upheld.

The services of workers compensation lawyers are necessary because the defense might also have a lawyer, the case needs resources which the lawyer possesses, the court requires it or the case is against a seemingly unwavering power.
